Filing a tax return is essential if you're self-employed as a sole trader and earned more than £1,000 or are a partner in a business partnership. You may also need to complete one if you have any other untaxed income such as money from renting out a property, tips, commission or income from savings, investments and dividends.
If you're not sure, the team at Cooke & Co. can advise you.
We complete tax returns for:
Individuals and sole traders
Limited Companies
The self-assessment regime is full of penalties and HMRC enquiry powers are extensive. It is important that:
Returns are completed fully & correctly
They are filed on time
All backup records are retained for the appropriate period of time
The team at Cooke & Co. can provide useful resources, tips, & deadlines to help you manage the successful completion and filing of your self-assessment or we can manage all of your bookkeeping needs freeing up more of your time.
As well as the completion of your return we can also assist with:
Advice on your tax liabilities
Negotiating with the Collector if necessary
Identifying suitable tax planning opportunities
Completing all the necessary tax computations
Dealing with all correspondence from HMRC, taking the worry away from you